


The Mainframe is a flexible and modular platform which
allows the use of different kind of boards inserted in
inside it.
All the boards fitted inside the device are automatically
identified by the operative system which fits the
functions to the keyboard and to the visual information
made reliable on the colour display placed on the front
panel of the equipment.
The program of the function of each board can be done,
either pressing on the keyboard or from remote control,
thanks to an interface Ethernet 10/100 bT which allows
a remote configuration also through the web.
Two other serial interfaces RS232 and six relay contacts
complete the reliable interfaces. The power supply
section can receive either alternate or continue tension
(even if they are simultaneously) furthermore it can be
removed completely from its location, together with the
switch on, to permit easy maintenance.
The two cooling fans located in the power supply
section varies their speed proportionally to the
temperature of the modules/boards present in the device
allowing an adequate cooling of the system. Finally the
colour display makes reliable each function and
parameter regarding any information about each board
fitted inside the Mainframe.

SKU: ek-mfr-2 Category: Tags: ,


 Embedded Linux OS
 Complete modular system
 RTC for temporal reference
 Internal memory to store
eventual alarms
 6 slots to install any boards
 Colour front panel control
 Complete web
 Head End Systems:
Mux/Demux/Remux, SFN
Adapter, Network Adapter
 Digital Microwave Links:
Out Door, In Door, Mobile
version from 2÷23 GHz
 Backbone Systems
 DTV Transmitters
 HD/SD Single or Multiple
Encoder / Decoder
 Modem




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